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Monday, October 19, 2009

The Broken Plate, Broken Heart

Ever get that gut raging feeling in the pit of your stomach when you come home and your husband was nice and just did the dishes. Its like you are so happy that he did them you dont know what to say your just happy that he did them. Then it happens you look over in the cabinet and see it. The first broken plate from your set you get at your wedding. You feel a tear roll down you cheek. He doesn't know why your crying he probably thinks your crying cause your happy that he cleaned the kitchen, but you know its about the plate. Oh what to do so you wipe your tear tell yourself it will be ok and you have more plates.
Why do we get so upset over things so little such as plates breaking. Is it because we are women or because of sentimental value or what i dont know. I know when it happened to me I was just beyond myself to find out my plate was chipped. It nearly broke my heart to see my lovely plate in that condition. It was like all the plates I had didn't compare to that one plate. My sentimental value in that one plate was gone. oh well no use crying over spilled milk anymore what is done is done.